31 January 2009

Android Phones Not Robust?

I read this CNet Australia article which said in part:

Google's Android mobile platform wasn't robust, Telstra chief executive Sol Trujillo said in an interview published yesterday, where he also disclosed he owns an Apple iPhone, among other handsets.
"We are looking at it," Trujillo said in the interview  with ZDNet.com.au sister site CNET News.com, responding to a question about Android. "But the platform isn't at the stage where it's really robust. We are looking at what's being said about it in the blogosphere, and we're looking at testing it."
Which just goes to show that telco executives have a different, and presumably better informed, view of new technologies than people like me who know a few people working on those technologies.

A quick web search showed that Steve Ballmer had expressed some scepticism about Android to Trujillo at the Telstra Investor Day conference in Sydney late last year:
"They (Google) can hire smart guys, hire smart people, blah-de-blah-de-blah," Mr Ballmer said. "I don't really understand their strategy, maybe somebody else does. Turning up to an investor meeting saying, 'we've just launched a mobile operating system with no revenue model, yay!' – I wouldn't do that," he said. "I don't get the business model."
Meanwhile those Android folks keep on developing very useful stuff .
Further Reading 

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